What is sense Rugby?
Sense Rugby is a therapy concept established by Carliene Parahi (Occupational Therapist) and Jesse Parahi (Rugby 7's player and Olympian).
It is about using Rugby inspired drills and activities to support therapy goals.
In Sense Rugby we us modified rugby drills to help kids:
* Process sensory information
* Focus on activities
* Work on their coordination
* Manage their emotions
*Have fun with other kids
*Be part of a team
Mary and Robyn from What Works With Kids OT were the first Brisbane based therapy service to provide Sense Rugby sessions, launching in February 2019
It is about using Rugby inspired drills and activities to support therapy goals.
In Sense Rugby we us modified rugby drills to help kids:
* Process sensory information
* Focus on activities
* Work on their coordination
* Manage their emotions
*Have fun with other kids
*Be part of a team
Mary and Robyn from What Works With Kids OT were the first Brisbane based therapy service to provide Sense Rugby sessions, launching in February 2019
Kindergarten age through to upper primary school enjoy the Sense Rugby Program.
We've also provided groups for early high school. |
girls and boys
Boys and girls across the age ranges and levels of ability all work together in the Sense Rugby groups
needs of the child
Mary and Robyn are experienced Occupational therapists and understand children with sensory processing challenges, anxiety, motor planning difficulties and specific diagnoses
Parents and Carers do play an important part in the Sense Rugby program experience.
We ask that parents remain present and engaged during their child's group.
Many children who participate in this group present with sensory challenges, as such the regulation of emotions and energies may require the assistance of parents in order to allow the group to run smoothly for all.
We ask that parents remain present and engaged during their child's group.
Many children who participate in this group present with sensory challenges, as such the regulation of emotions and energies may require the assistance of parents in order to allow the group to run smoothly for all.